Monday, 23 November 2009

Catching up.

I managed to produce the overarching framework for the Advance PDA role at the weekend. I'll wait for reply and the (I guess) necessary changes. Next on my list is my Module A plan for PG CHEP. Try and start that tonight.

Friday, 20 November 2009

So far so good

Yesterday was very enjoyable. I am just hoping it is not my own reaction to change that is producing this improvement to the day. I do feel better when I go home and I did not feel so pressured about work during the evening as I have everything slotted into its own date and time to be completed.

This change of focus has helped me realise that I will not be able to meet two deadlines... CHEP assignment a and Adv PDA framework. However, I have the workload sloted into my calender (includes weekends) and therefore I have a good idea when they will be done. I have been able to advise LSIS and Uni of Essex of the situation and that this is temporary while I cope with my recent increase in workload (temporary) to help another department.
I have just removed everything that is not current from my noticeboards and my desk and area looks a lot more professional.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Seeing the improvements

Walking in and seeing no piles of paper on my desk was a great relief. Especially as I know I have every item on my list in my calender. Now to work!

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

First steps in moving to-do list t a do list.

I am moving all the little to-to jobs to a slots every morning BEFORE checking the emails. Next I am identifying slots of time to carry out the larger tasks... these may be a few hours over a few days or weeks as necessary. All this will take a few days to organise.

Lets see how I get on :-)

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Unpicking my to-do list

I am amazed how my to do list never gets smaller and that it is at the back of my mind niggling away. So I am now going to allocate time in my diary for each item on my list. Therefore I hope that I now know that it will be done and when another request comes in I don't add it to my list I find time in my diary which may be a number of days away. Emergencies will always happen so I will have to deal with them as normal which may mean I might have to shuffle a few tasks around, but again they are allocated a time for me to complete.

Let see how I get on :-).

Monday, 16 November 2009

Time to take control of 'time'.

It has become clear to me over the last few months that I need to take action to control how I use my time even more effectively. So the first change is to ensure that I reflect (blog) most mornings just for a few minutes to unpick my thoughts and allow me the opportunity to reflect on my professional activity and identify improvements.