Saturday, 6 July 2013

Rejoining the blogging world

Why do I suddenly feel I want to blog again? Is it because I am not so busy? No... I am just as busy as ever. Is it because I want to moan about the state of (insert world, country, work etc)? No... I can do that without a blog. 

I believe it is about having a passion; these are normally positive and can flourish by sharing experiences. The passion I have is teaching and learning and after receiving an encouraging comment from a colleague... I now realise this is the right time (again) for me to share my thoughts through my blog.

Communities of Practice has been the power behind groups of like-minded people making real change! So lets get together, collaborate and through  intelligent analysis of facts and careful evaluation... real and lasting change is possible!

Don't just read my blog... comment on it to help me learn more.

Lets start with this question: have you ever received a positive comment which has made you feel empowered to make a change to something or yourself?